Waiting for daddy to settle my "hotel" fee
Happy Me sitting beside my Mummy at home
Since mummy is still busy with her school stuffs..being a nice boy, i decide to give her a helping "nose"
Here is your Cheery Cherry pencil case...
Here is your plastic ruler...
Well of course all this hard work come with a price. Guess what i got while i was away for a week!
A big packet of bone shaped oatmeal biscuits!! Dont they look yummilicious???
Oh my woofness... they just look like chipmore cookies! Only mine not chocolate but seaseme oatmeal cookies with milk and they look so much cuter. Just nice bitable size for me!
It's now so hard to get easy treats.. it always the balance-before-you-get treat trick.
*getting sleepy while balancing*
After all the hard work... i was given all three biscuits! hee hee yeah yeah.. i love biscuits!
Have a great biscuit day all of you!