Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Unfair Treatment!

Daddy and mummy went out for a nice dinner and i was being left at home again. Mummy came home happily and show me pictures of what they had earlier.

I Sulk. I bark and I growl at the pictures. I need to protest!! Why cant doggie food be as yummy-looking as the hoomans' ones? Why Why Why?

Mummy's creamy root beer. Daddy's iced Tiger Beer. And a super duper nice crispy puff pastry on top of the soup bowl!

Look at those creamy clam chowder soup!!
Daddy's Dinner: meat loaf with garlic bread and a pretty egg.
Mummy's Dinner: giant sauages with melted cheese and mushroom bits. Creamy Mashed potates and grilled salted sweet corn.
Final Verdict:


Amber-Mae said...

Wow, that looks delicious! I agree with you. Why can't doggie foods be as delicious as hooman's? I don't hate mu kibbles becoz I have no choice.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

shushu, momo & kero said...

Yummy foods! (drip saliva)
Yes, we hate kibbles too - we are both staging a protest to our owner now, by refusing to eat any.

Lorenza said...

Hi, King King!
Your mom and dad had super delicious dinner!
Like Amber said... I can't hate my kibbles either!
Kisses and hugs

Myeo said...

Oh, the look so yummy!!!!

We hate kibbles too so mama have to mix it with milk, liek cereals.

Boy n Baby

Ben & Darling said...

King King, you are the king and should treat likw a king!!!

You can come over if you don't mind eating rice + chicken + vege...

Slurp licks,

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

OMDoggie we're drooling ~ totally unfair our kibbles don't look or even taste like that good looking food

Love Licks & waggin Tx tails barking loud!